

昭和57年に設立された当社はマーケティング活動の他に、高品質・高性能な四輪及び二輪車用のパーツやアクセサリーの日本販売代理店としての活動も行っています。 ニコル・マーケティングは限られたお客様のために海外の卓越した製品を正当な価格でお届けしています。
The creative arm in the Nicole Group

As the "Image Builder" of the Nicole Group, Nicole Marketing Co., Ltd. ensures that the corporate aim of seeking Excellence constantly pervades the entire group, internally, as well as externally. Its activities are always innovative with the aim of providing creative and unique marketing services.

Nicole Marketing was founded in 1982 and also acts as the sole sales agent for various high quality, high performance automotive and motorcycle parts. Nicole Marketing is dedicated to the marketing of foreign products of outstanding excellence at reasonable prices to a select group of customers.


 本 社
 〒212-0005 神奈川県川崎市幸区戸手2-5-7 TEL:044-511-3322
 米国MiniMania社 日本総販売元
